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DL Hughley Show
DL Hughley Show
2:00pm - 6:00pm


DL Hughley Show
DL Hughley Show
2:00pm - 6:00pm



Make sure you buy at least 10 spots. Plan to spend $180 to $200 for a campaign, minimum. If you’re going to pay for advertising, set your campaign up strategically so people will hear your ad. By the way, it won’t do you much good to sit by your radio and listen for your particular ad, especially if it’s only a thirty-second spot. You could miss it in the span of a quick trip to the kitchen for a fresh glass of sweet tea.

If you’re in doubt as to whether your spots ran, you’re welcome to come by the station for a log report. The report will tell you the exact times and dates your ad ran.

Start promoting your large event (political rally, blues concert, etc.) four to six weeks before it occurs. Run at least 3 on Friday, and 5 on Saturdays during the Blues Show. Block time is a little pricier, but it’s more effective because it will run within specific four-hour slots. This will allow you to target the most popular syndicated programs, (Rickey Smiley, DL Hughley, etc.) during “drive time” when people are driving to and from work. Those drivers are a captive audience, and they will hear your spot! The best times to have a large event is March (tax time) and October (harvest time). People tend to have extra money at these times. They’re ready to get out and celebrate!

Start promoting your small event (birthday party, baby shower, wedding reception, banquet, business workshop), 3 days before. Run the majority of your ads on Saturdays during the Blues Show.

It’s also a good idea to read the rest of the articles on this website under the “Advertising Strategy” category. We want you to succeed as much as you do, so we’ve laid out strategy principles in a very easy way! The articles are short and easy to read, but the knowledge they will give you is priceless. Do your homework when it comes to radio advertising. It will pay off in more customers, more votes, and more public interest.